Guide to Size: What does T1, T2, T3 Sizes mean in Hermes?


When purchasing a new Clic Clac or a new Collier De Chien (CDC), you will be asked by your SA what size you would like to have? Or if you are ordering off the internet, these Hermes size codes will be discussed in the details of the item.

The “T” stands for Taille which means “Size” in English. The second part of the size code is a number of 1, 2 or 3, which scale in size with 1 being the smallest size and 3 being the largest.

Below is the Hermes Size Code Guide:

T1: Taille 1 or “small size”.

T2: Taille 2 or “medium size”.

T3: Taille 3 or “large Size”.