Collecting Luxury

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What is a SA?

We use the term SA in a lot of our collecting jargon. “SA” stands for Sales Associate. We usually have one at the luxury store or boutique that we shop at. Sometimes your SA will be with you for the entire lifetime as some dedicate themselves to a brand that they love. Other times, you might be scrambling to start a new relationship with a SA after they leave or find a new job. SA’s will sometimes keep in contact with you if they move to another store as they will try to bring customers to their new workplace.

A SA will be your first point of contact with a luxury retail store and they do have more power than you think to get you what you want - as most of them do make commission off of their sales. I love my SA and we have known each other for around 6-7 years but just started to work together a few years ago - its been heaven!