Collecting Luxury

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Where are the Customers at CHANEL?

While I was taking my Sunday stroll through all of my favorite boutiques, I of course stopped by CHANEL to see what was new, what I have missed and what else might be going on? I walked in and was greeted by security and then the entire shop was mine! No one else was in the two level flagship store but myself and a few sales associates. I was able to take my time looking at the gorgeous accessories and amazing details to their clothing however through my entire experience, I did not have a sales associate follow me or try to really help in any way. My main thought was….”Where are all the customers?” This is a weekend and Hermes has a line out the door, Louis Vuitton has a waiting list to get in the line out the door and Gucci - well Gucci is Gucci.

I was then looking at the prices at the Chanel products and yes they have gone up considerably to where they were just a year or two ago. Prices for a card holder with chain is now $1600 USD and over $2k CAD - so is this the problem for the brand? Did Chanel overprice their products???

I was also looking specifically at the clothing, as I have a fashion design background, and the clothing is beautiful and the attention to detail is amazing. However the prices are not. Reflecting back to when I use to be a very avid shopper in the Chanel boutique, yes there were some items that were more expensive but over $2k for a white t-shirt is now pushing those boundaries. I could not see a jacket under $10k and that just seems too high for many consumers - no matter how much money you have. Is the product really going to retain that $10k status after you alter it and wear it? I highly doubt it. Most Chanel Ready to Wear pieces, not accessories, do drop 30-40% out of the store.

Have you noticed a change in customer traffic at your local Chanel boutique? COMMENT BELOW!