Would You Pay More Than $50 for a Christian DIOR Bag?

As Christian Dior gets called out by Italian Authorities claiming the manufacturer that produces Dior’s handbags is actually a sweatshop. Having laborers work in crazy unhealthy conditions and to be working on Dior bags day and night without a break plus underage children might have been a part of this sweatshop. The bags are “made in Italy” however we found out after the investigation that a Christian Dior Diana Bag costs $50 USD/EURO to produce! The Christian Dior Diana bag retails for over $6,000 USD/EURO in their boutiques!

Now knowing how these bags are made and the conditions surrounding them, I would not add one into my collection unless it was a vintage Dior bag that was not at retail price. As the luxury sector begins to tighten even more as other luxury houses define themselves, we are seeing the cracks in some of the legacy fashion houses such as Dior, Louis Vuitton, Chanel and Gucci.

Now the question is, “Would You Pay More Than $50 for a Christian DIOR Bag?” COMMENT BELOW!!!