Diana Jenkins with her Hermes Collection

When the fires in Malibu were rushing through homes, many home owners only had minutes to get out of their houses with some possessions. In Diana Jenkins case, she was able to get out of her Malibu home safely and had around 10 minutes to get everything valuable in to her car before the fire would get close to her property. In this photo above, you can see Diana with all of her Birkins in her trunk of her car plus her jewelry and some artwork from the world renowned artist Banksy.

As tragic as this situation was, looking back on this is a bit funny as she has all of her collection stuffed into her trunk. We would do the exact same thing! We always have a plan in case of an emergency of getting your personal belogings that cannot be replaced out of harms way.

We are so glad Diana is safe and so is her Hermes collection!